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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fungus My Glory

Like much of Asia, Korea makes very liberal (ab)use of English in advertising, fashion, and just randomly scribed on things like dishtowels or photo albums. In fact, professional photo studios in Korea will take a very nice portrait, then print a bunch of English song lyrics across it. Usually they are something romantic. Sometimes they are just odd. One that stands out had Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't fear the Reaper" lyrics in flowery lettering down the side.

There are websites that do a pretty good job of collecting misuse of English, but I just wanted to share a few recent finds (you might need to click to blow them up so you can read them):
Note the starbucks-esque coffee cups. You can get these in Family-Mart (like 7-11). They come pre-loaded with instant coffee...

Another nice example of odd English is an underwear shop I sometimes pass that is called "Yes". I always tell myself I'll bring my camera and always forget... At any rate, the sign above the door reads something to the effect of:
Jeane, did you see my new panty and brassiere?
Is this one yours?
No, does this one look like mine?
It is nice. Should we go to Yes?
Yes, yes, yes, yes.... Yes!!!!

All things digital and wireless are huge in Korea. The technology's pretty impressive, with the subway full of people watching digital TV shows on their cell phones. Marketing tries to pick up on the high-tech trend--almost any appliance you buy has a digital display and "fuzzy logic" written across it.

Some things are harder to make high-tech/digital, like big apartment buildings. But if you can't make them virtual, then at least you can give them virtual names:
Sweet dot Home (built by the "Pair of Dragons" conglomerate)

Some building names have less obvious connotations:

While others are more direct:

My favorite recent find was this one, though. Maybe the guy dreams of being a famous mycologist?

Comments on "Fungus My Glory"


Blogger Emily and Ike said ... (6:55 PM) : 

Will you pick up the weirdest T-shirt you can find for me?


Blogger Emily and Ike said ... (6:56 PM) : 

I'm fat - prob XXXXXXXXXXL in Korea.


Blogger BillT said ... (6:47 AM) : 

Hi ! Nothing new posting - Looks like it'll be Spring City Memoirs now. Where's your new blog, guys ?

I also see m-a-n-y readers on your map but only me in S. American outpost.

Love, Dad T.


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