Ella calls this thing her train (It's neither hers nor a train, but she's two). She particularly likes taking her cousin Min-Seo for a ride.
And, here is Ella's little sister. We got the ultrasound yesterday. Everyone comments on how "big" (i.e. Western and attractive) her nose is.
I definitely like how efficient and modern the medical system is here. In SA, it was a little like being in the 1950's--the way the office looked and the staff dressed, and the somewhat parochial (but very warm) approach. Maybe it was just because we were in Bloemfontein, the redneck capital of the world (honestly--it puts anything I've seen in the US to shame in terms of redneckiness).
In Korea there are some things that are peculiar, too--you check your own weight and blood pressure, and they don't let anyone accompany the mom into the ultrasound room. In fact, she doesn't even get to see the ultrasound until after it's done/edited. At any rate, we're happy with our new OB, and I will get to be in the delivery room, and the baby will be able to room in with mom (both have to be requested at check-in). All-in-all, we're happy to be having the baby here. |
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