Korea has been a nice change of pace.
I've been eating enough Korean food that I'm already starting to get tired of it, which is always a bit touchy, given that it's my in-laws feeding me.
Seoul seems quite neat and tidy compared to what I remembered. I'm not sure how much of that is just the contrast with Lesotho and how much is true change. But, Seoul's current mayor has made beautifying the city a big priority with new parks, bike trails, and improved water areas. Also, the new bus system is great and the recycling system is impressive too, with about 5 different bins at the bottom of my in-law's apartment building.
I've already downloaded and watched almost all of Lost Season 3. That show is like cheap crack. Speaking of crack, there's a korean popsickle flavored like honeydew melons and cream... Sounds gross, but it's amazingly good, and I was a bit of a Melona junky when I studied here 10 years ago (I've been married for 10 years!?!). They're apparently sold at Sam's club too, but I wouldn't advise buying anything at Wal-Mart unless necessary... Dirty company.
 Ella is sick... always seems to happen with major trips, and it was surprising since she was so healthy in Lesotho. It seems like another UTI, although the labs so far are equivocal... It was nice being in a hospital that can actually run all the (probably unnecessary) tests one could ask for. We need to get her out of diapers so this doesn't happen again. At any rate, she turned around quickly after a few doses of antibiotics, and is now being very naughty, living up to her 2-year old potential...
Still lots of errand to run, dealing with figuring out where we'll have the baby, what we need to do for baby's passport, lots of financial loose ends that we left hanging, etc.
I've just started composing my first few retrospective Lesotho blog posts, so stay tuned... |
Comments on "Seoul Food"
Glad you all made it to Korea in one piece. When do you expect you will be back in the states?
(and Ike)
6 pieces, plus carry ons, actually.
Mid-September if all goes as planned.
so jealous of the tidiness
and the Korean food
and the Lost(!)
and the ability to leave your house at night
Michael and I also watched every single episode of LOST. Man, the director knows how to drag it on and on with endless suspense...honeydew candy reminds me of something I had in Xinjiang - famous for its ha mi gua!